1. Stretching the Crane | 2. Sunrise & Sunset | 3. Peeling the Octopus | 4. Twisting the Snake | 5. Twitching the Dragon's Tail | 6. Bowing | 7. Greeting the Traveller | 8. Search for the hatchet | 9. Horse Stance on a Tightrope | 10. The Tiger Springs | 11. Rowing | 12. The Rocking Bear | 13. Tailor's Walk | 14. Rolling the Panda | 15. Raising the Bird's Wing | 16. Dragon Kicks | 17. Shoulder Shrugs
Stand with feet in a very wide stance, with toes pointing out to the sides, heels face each other as if you are on a tightrope. Hold the wand lightly on the back of shoulders in wide grip. Keep the back straight and look directly forwards.
Arch back slightly backward and slowly bend knees a few inches.
Slowly return to the beginning Yin stage.
Repeat as above, bending knees a little further each time, to the Yang (end) position as shown in the photo below.
Then repeat the Yin-Yang positions as many times as you wish.
Click on the image below for a larger view.